Download the E-commerce in Spain Report
LATEST UPDATE: Y 2023 - Q1 2024
Digital 1to1 - The Hive Business Experience is an innovative format of events that offers a different way of networking in the Digital E-commerce industry, directly connecting companies that need to improve their digital strategy with digital solutions providers that can meet their needs.
Starting from the data collected in the last 4 Spanish editions of the event (2022-2023), we present a report that we think can be useful to know trends, markets, companies and specific requests to help you grow your business.
Discover all the latest market trends with our E-Commerce in Spain Report

All the most demanded digital services and products!
E-commerce continues to create opportunities for Spanish companies month after month. Proof of this is the fact that, according to the latest data published by the CNMCData portal, in the second quarter of 2022 the sector exceeded for the first time in its history the turnover of 18 million euros.
The solutions that Spanish e-commerces seek respond clearly to perceptions about opportunities related to market behavior. The figures collected by CNMCData indicate that more than half of the turnover of Spanish e-commerces is generated by sales to other countries, particularly those in the European context, which justifies the interest of our e-tailers in investing in the search for sales guided through marketplaces and in finding the best solutions to promote cross-border trade.