Download the Travel & Tourism Sector Report

Based on data provided by Eulerian, the Augmented Analytics platform that combines attribution, media analytics and activation, we present a report that allows you to learn about trends, markets, companies and specific and useful needs to grow your business in the tourism sector.

Learn about the numbers of Spanish companies in the travel sector in 2022 compared to 2021, as well as the categories of companies in the tourism sector that have grown the most, among many other interesting facts.

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Discover the growth trends of the tourism
tourism sector in Spain

Investment, turnover and number of operations of companies in the tourism sector in Spain.

The categories experiencing the greatest growth in the sector.

Sectoral increase in online advertising spend in 2022 compared to 2021

travel and tourism sector

Learn about the evolution of the tourism sector in Spain

The tourism sector is returning to growth in Spain, showing figures that have almost matched pre-pandemic figures, both in terms of revenue and the number of tourists received by the country. Spain, famous for its numerous destinations that attract millions of tourists from all over the world every year, has excelled in European rankings in the tourism sector, a trend that is expected to continue to grow in the coming years.

Spain ranks first in the list of European countries with the highest Travel and Tourism Development Index (TTDI).

Spain is second only to France in the number of tourist arrivals, both international and domestic (domestic tourism), and is one of the European destinations that has suffered the least from the decline in tourism due to the pandemic.
(domestic tourism), and is one of the European destinations that has suffered the least from the decline in tourism due to the pandemic.

In 2023, Spain has been ranked first in the list of preferred destinations declared by tourists from all over Europe for their next trips.