Digital 1to1 is the meeting point where different companies seek to benefit from a qualitynetworking . A perfect professional environment for executives of leading companies in the sector, technology solution providers from different areas of the world and multiple specialists, to achieve an engagement that helps them achieve their goals.
Here's a new episode of corporate love. The story of how Localistico managed to make Adidas fall in love thanks to Digital 1to1.
How Adidas fell in love with Localistico
Chiara Olimpieri, eCom manager at Adidas in charge of managing Real Madrid's official online store, tells us about her first date with her conquistador, Ricardo Varela, founder of Localistico.
Where did love come from?
It was at the Hotel Dolce Sitges, during the Digital 1to1 Europe.
Interesting! What was the trigger for the appointment?
At the beginning of the Afterwork, when we shared our cards to talk at the end. That was the moment when the spark was sparked.
What did your company need?
A digital solution that will help us redirect customers to our physical stores.
How did this agreement come about?
Localistico offered us what we were looking for, online positioning of physical stores. It was so interesting that after the first call back from Digital 1to1 it only took us two months to close the deal.
A happy ending! What results have you obtained?
In the first instance, we have designed tabs of each store to be able to perform a positioning in social networks and search engines. And Localistico has also cleaned up the unofficial cards.
This has helped us a lot to improve our SEO positioning and we are in the process of starting a second phase, with ads on maps.
Another successful romance that has arisen in Digital1to1
PcComponents and TokyWoky already showed us what a crush is like at Digital 1to1. Now companies like Adidas and Localistico are also part of a list of lovers that is growing by the minute.
Article thanks to Marketing4ecommerce.