The Digital1to1The e-Commerce Summit, a space where a multitude of executives from large companies in our country, experts in marketing and digital transformation and institutions meet, is a classic within the e-Commerce sector in Spain.
This time we tell you about the love affair that has occurred between David Morán, Head of Digital & Ecommerce in Muroexe, a store that specializes in selling accessories and footwear, and Eulogi Bordes, CEO and founder of PhotoSlurp, a tool that allows you to collect and manage all the content generated by customers who talk about a product and a brand.
Muroexe enters into a business relationship with Photoslurp
This new engagement between the two companies arose in 2017 at the Dolce Hotel in Sitges. Both companies were looking for similar solutions for their own e-Commerce businesses, and all the ones they saw were out of their reach, either because of costs or because their location made them hesitate.
His main challenge was to show the most wearable part of his products, to go a step beyond the photographs.
The meeting
When the meeting took place, in what is known as an afterwork, David Morán realized that PhotoSlurp fully adapted to what they needed, both in size and design, and that it was possible to get a quality networking .
Up to that point, all the solutions and tools they had tried that were similar to Eulogi Bordes' company, which came from Germany or the United States, were totally prohibitive.
The result
Since Muroexe has implemented the tool in their daily work, they have found that 25% of the unique users who have visited them have clicked on one of their images.
They have managed to increase their conversion rate by 2.7%, so they can say that the satisfaction with the result obtained is enormous.