The meetings Digital 1to1 aims to facilitate quality face-to-face meetings of networking in a professional environment suitable for the exchange of knowledge and relationships between companies.
Therefore, it is not strange that love arises between companies and that they begin to cooperate. In this case, we are going to tell you about the love affair between Alfonso Tomás and Marie Bleu.
PcComponents and TokyWoky
Alfonso Tomás, founding partner of PcComponentes fell into the nets of Marie Bleu Head of Sales Spain of TokyWoky. And we are going to tell you how it went.
When did you fall in love?
It all happened in March 2018 when Alfonso and Marie started talking about TokyWoky. Alfonso stresses that she explained what it was all about clearly, and the simplicity of the tool captivated him.
What was your company's need?
Alfonso alludes that they did not have a specific need, but that he was interested in any tool that would allow him to increase engagement with his customers and resolve doubts in real time.
When was the agreement made official?
The founding partner of PcComponentes indicates that he was practically convinced. As a result, within two months of the meeting, they had already managed to integrate the tool into the website, with great results.
Have the results been worth it?
Although he does not venture to give a firm answer due to lack of data, he does assure that engagement has grown notably.
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Article thanks to Marketing4ecommerce.