Digital 1to1 Europe 2017 meets more than 300 digital leaders

Barcelona, November 7, 2017. The fourth edition of Digital 1to1 Europe took place on October 19th and 20th, two intense days of work in which more than 300 international participants gathered - leading companies in Europe, Institutions, FMCG, Etail / Retail, Ecommerce solutions, experts in Digital Transformation and Digital Marketing - all of which revealed the challenges and latest news that the sector offers.

Digital 1to1 Love Stories: How Adidas fell in love with Localistico

Digital 1to1 is the meeting point of different companies that want to improve their digital impact. A great atmosphere and a favorable professional environment made up of executives from leading companies in the sector, digital solutions providers from different parts of the world and hundreds of experts who can help achieve their objectives.

Digital 1to1 Love Stories: How PcComponentes fell in love with TokyWoky

On more than one occasion we have spoken about the Digital 1to1 meetings that have become classics of the sector in Spain and that base their success on facilitating quality meetings, in person, face-to-face, amidst a great atmosphere and professional environment, composed of executives of leading companies in the sector as well as digital solutions providers from different parts of the world.

Digital 1to1 Love Story: How Zacaris fell in love with Target2Sell

Spring is here and with her the Digital 1to1 love stories.

The Digital 1to1 is the perfect scenario for face to face digital love stories to emerge. It is true that in this digital age that we live many relationships arise and are consolidated in the digital world but here at ClubEcommerce we are romantics and we are firmly convinced that there is nothing like a 1to1 meeting to turn on the spark.